COLUM Mini Dripper Recipes

COLUM Mini Dripper Updated Recipes

The most up to date recipes for the Colum Mini Dripper

 - Last update Sunday August 27th -


    1. About coffee dose.
    2. Standard COLUM Recipe
    3. Standard COLUM+Melodrip Recipe
    4. Cleaning / Passivation Cleaning
    5. Tips and Dialing In

    About Coffee Dose.

    The COLUM dosing range is 15g-20g of coffee, but is Best Brewed with 16-18g.

    Smaller doses brew lighter body and cleaner cups.

    Larger doses brew heavier body and sweeter cups.

    Larger doses (18 and up) may introduce more bitter and astringent flavors.

    Standard Colum Mini Dripper Recipe.

    Perparing the Mini Filter

    We recommend folding the Mini Filter so the resulting angle is slightly narrower than when folding along the filter seam. This allows the filter paper to spread and fully adhere to the dripper when pre-rinsed.

    The fold line should begin at the pointy tip of the filter paper and run up to the point between the filter seam and the cleft marker (cut-out notch) at the top of the filter paper as described on the diagram above.



    Pour Recipe for Standard Bare Kettle Pouring

    17g Coffee

    50ml Melodrip Pour, [Approximately 3x Water Weight of Coffee]

    Swirl the dripper 3x.

    Wait 45sec.

    120ml Pour. [7x Water Weight in Coffee] (170ml Total)

    Wait until water lowers between the 2 and 1 marker. Waiting longer to pour again increases contact time and coffee strength.

    For example, start your pours when the fluid level lowers to the 1 marker for a stronger brew.

    Repeat until desired ratio.

    Swirl the dripper 3 times after the last pour.

    15g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 45ml 45ml
    2nd Pour 150ml 105ml
    3rd Pour 255ml 105ml


    16g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 48ml 48ml
    2nd Pour 160ml 112ml
    3rd Pour 272ml



    17g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 51ml 51ml
    2nd Pour 170ml 119ml
    3rd Pour 289ml



    18g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 54ml 54ml
    2nd Pour 180ml 126ml
    3rd Pour 306ml



    19g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 57ml 57ml
    2nd Pour 190ml 133ml
    3rd Pour 323ml



    20g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 60ml 60ml
    2nd Pour 200ml 140ml
    3rd Pour 340ml



    Pour Recipe for Melodrip

    17g Coffee

    50ml Melodrip Pour, [Approximately 3x Water Weight of Coffee]

    Swirl the dripper 3x.

    Wait 45sec.

    75ml Melodrip Pour. [~4x-5x Water Weight in Coffee] (120ml Total)

    Wait until water lowers between the 2 and 1 marker. Waiting longer to pour again increases contact time and coffee strength.

    For example, start your pours when the fluid level lowers to the 1 marker for a stronger brew.

    Melodrip Pour (150-180ml Total)

    Melodrip Pour (210-255ml Total)

    Repeat until desired ratio.

    Swirl the dripper 3 times after the last pour.

    15g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 45ml 45ml
    2nd Pour 120ml 75ml
    3rd Pour 195ml


    4th Pour 255ml



    16g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 48ml 48ml
    2nd Pour 128ml 80ml
    3rd Pour 208ml


    4th Pour 272ml



    17g Coffee [Recommended]
    Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 51ml 51ml
    2nd Pour 136ml 85ml
    3rd Pour 221ml


    4th Pour 289ml



    18g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 54ml 54ml
    2nd Pour 144ml 90ml
    3rd Pour 234ml


    4th Pour 306ml



    19g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 57ml 54ml
    2nd Pour 152ml 95ml
    3rd Pour 247ml


    4th Pour 323ml



    20g Coffee Total Pour Weight
    1st Pour 60ml 60ml
    2nd Pour 160ml 100ml
    3rd Pour 260ml


    4th Pour




    Tips and Dialing In


    If your coffee is too light bodied, increase the coffee dose by 2g.

    If your coffee is too bitter or astringent reduce the coffee dose by 2g.


    The brewing chamber on the COLUM is relatively small so the agitation and strength of a standard pour is amplified.

    If you are grinding on the finer side and experience sharp or bitter flavors, agitation can be reduced by decreasing the bloom pour from our recommended 3:1 - 4:1 ratio down to 2:1 (2x the weight of water for 1x dry coffee).

    You can further reduce the agitation by skipping the stick stir. The remaining pulses should follow the recipe at 5:1 - 7:1 (5x to 7x water to coffee ratio).


    The pour markers on the side of the glass can be used to dial in your brews, but will not translate across all doses and grind types, so here is a guide on what you can do to dial in.

    If you want the coffee to be stronger, before changing your grind setting for your next brew, bloom as usual, then after your next pour wait until the fluid level lowers to about the [1 Mark] then begin your pour. For even stronger brews, you can wait until the fluid level lowers closer to the coffee slurry surface. If you still desire a stronger brew then adjust your grind.

    How does this system work?

    When the glass column is filled close to the top [Above the 3 Mark] and drains, the rate of drain will gradually decline as the fluid level lowers closer to the [1 Mark].

    The actual rate of drain will depend on the grind profile, though a Medium Fine grind will result in about 2g/s between the [2 and 3 Mark], and slows down to 1-1.5g/s as it lowers between the [1 and 2 Mark]. The drain rate will continue to decrease as it lowers below the [1 Mark]. The slower the drain rate the longer the contact time with the coffee, increasing the strength of the brew.

    We feel that an average of 1.5g/s drain rate is ideal for this dripper, but this could be around the [1 - 2 Mark] for Med-Fine grinds, and could be below the 1 Mark for Med to Coarser grinds. Experiment with WHEN to pour and keep a mental note when dialing in.

    If you are brewing with a smaller dose ~15g, wait until the fluid level lowers to the 1 Mark, then start your next pour. If you are brewing with a larger 20g dose, then start your next pour between the 1-2 Mark. This is to achieve a average drain rate around 1.5g/s.


    Once the dripper is fully drained, hold the dripper by the Tab on the dripper base and set aside onto another cup.

    Wait a couple minutes until the dripper is cool enough to handle.

    Turn the glass colum and lift straight upward. Grab the inside with a cloth and rotate the glass colum to wipe off any excess coffee.

    Hold the tab on the filter ring and lift straight upward. The filter/coffee grounds may become detached from the filter ring if lifted at an angle.

    Position over the wastebin and shake the filter ring downward to dispose of the spent grounds.

    Return the filter ring onto the dripper and rinse with water.

    Deeper Cleaning

    If your COLUM has any metallic flavor or odor, we recommend home passivation which involves Citric Salt/Acid and Distilled water.

    Dilute 5% Citric Acid (Any Food Grade Powder) in Distilled Water. 40g Citric Acid / 760g Warm or Room Temperature Distilled Water.

    Fully submerge and soak the COLUM and Filter Ring for 1 hour.

    Rinse all parts.